Washington Nationals Team Up with Teamwork and Fortress for Innovative POS Technology and Fan Engagement Solution
“We are thrilled to add another MLB team to the Teamwork family. We look forward to working and growing with the Nationals to keep the fan’s experience as the top priority across all their team stores.”
–Amber Hovious, VP Partnerships & Marketing, Teamwork
“We are excited to be working with Teamwork on their new installation at Nationals Park. During our time working with the Nationals, they have continued to add best in class partners to further enhance the fan day experience at Nationals Park.”
–Richard Pinnick, SVP Global Business Development, Fortress GB
About Teamwork:
Teamwork is a cloud-based, mobile retail technology solution focused on creating a platform that is tailored to the retailer’s needs. Partnered with Apple, Teamwork is constantly evolving to bring retail to the customer; whether that’s in-store, on a computer, or on their phones. Our customizable suite of retail apps center around our point-of-sale, OMS, and built-in CRM. These systems seamlessly integrate with other best in breed platforms to remove friction in retail. Retailers like Uniqlo, Rebecca Minkoff, Alexander Wang, Theory, and Asics use Teamwork to enhance the shopping experience, boost sales, and improve customer service.
About Fortress:
Established in 2001, Fortress is the leading technology provider of stadium services and fan engagement solutions in the sports and entertainment industry. The FortressOne platform powers game day operations including digital ticketing, automated venue access, payment solutions and stadium data analytics, as well as wider fan engagement activities through its digital loyalty programs. More than 130 professional sports teams worldwide in the MLB, NHL, NFL, MLS and EPL trust Fortress to transform their game-day experience and drive participation across a wider fan base. For more information, visit www.fortressus.com
For more information on Teamwork contact:
Amber Hovious
(727) 210-1700
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