Apple’s iPad Should Not Be Viewed as Just Consumer-Level
Apple’s iPad has spawned a consumer craze for tablets, much like how the company did so with the smartphone market. But the device is not just for customers interested in accessing email, browsing the Internet or playing games. These products are ideally suited for the retail space. Retailers that have yet to consider adopting iPads should rethink this stance because the benefits far outweigh any disadvantages.
Depending on the size of the retail operation, a couple of iPads or a dozen won’t set back the company millions of dollars. These products are hundreds of dollars, so a small store with only a handful of employers can adopt these products without allocating their entire budget toward doing so.
The retail sector operates under the notion that the customer is always right. In most cases, this is true. People have so many things on their minds and so many places to be that the last thing they want to do is wait 20 minutes in line to buy a single item. This is where an iPad can replace or complement a traditional point-of-sale system. An iPad POS enables employees to use the tablet to complete transactions anywhere in the store.
Ease of use
One doesn’t have to look far to see how easy iPads are for anyone to use. There’s a reason why schools adopt iPads for their students to use – they are not complicated. Employees should have no issues navigating the touchscreen or accessing the mobile POS.
The iPad may have become a worldwide sensation because of the consumer market, but retailers should not overlook how effective the products can be for their brands. The devices offer similar functionality to traditional equipment but without the physical limitations that can bog down operations and, importantly, sales and consumer happiness.
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